Latest Episode, February 9, 2025

Episode #594:
The Strength of Weakness Part 2 – Episode 2

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Meet Dr. Ritch Boerckel

Dr. Ritch Boerckel is Senior Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church near Peoria, Illinois. Bethany Baptist was founded in 1891 and has a rich history in Peoria. Ritch has been serving the church as the primary Bible teacher since 1993. He is known for his clear and practical expository preaching and God has blessed his ministry abundantly. Ritch earned a degree in Pastoral Training from Moody Bible Institute, a Masters degree in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of ministry degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. Ritch was greatly influenced as a teen and young man by his pastor, the late Dr. Bruce Dunn.
Bethany Baptist Website

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Celebrating 140 Stations Strong Across the USA & Canada!

We’re thrilled to announce a milestone that truly hits all the right notes – our radio family has grown to a whopping 140 stations across the United States and Canada!
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Brand New Website

As we continue to move the ministry of Knowing Christ Radio forward one of our goals was to make these resources more available. One the best ways we could think
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Now on more than 100 stations!

“Knowing Christ” is now heard on more than 100 stations!  We thank God for these stations and praise Him for how He is blessing through the clear teaching of His
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